Monday, 29 April 2013

Dhinam Oru Jothida Thagaval 29-04-2013 - Captain Tv

Naadi astrology to me is really wonderful, and why i m saying this is that since past 6 years i am experiencing the events which the Agastya Rishi nadi reader told me is happening. i will encourage people to visit chennai ( more authentic readers are available in chennai) and listen carefully to their naadi and most importantly listen to two special Kandams, ie, SHANTI AND DIKSHA kandam which is also known as PARIHAAR kandams, since naadi will tell ur doshas and how to get relief from those doshas so that in future also they dont trouble u. Parihaar is most important, as i have also seen its effect. one thing i want to add about Sri Agastya Naadi is that there are three different type of Agastya naadi ( or three different levels) the basic level is JEEVA NAADI where all the kandams are mentioned at basic levels (Shri Agastya rishi will dictate and students will write, listening about an individual and understanding on there on) The second level is TULYA NAADI where Rishi jee, himself writes about the individual (extensive) The third level is even more elaborate which is called SAPTA RISHI NAADI, here Rishi jee will discuss about the native with other six rishi and this is the best one The charges for SAPTA RISHI NAADI is high as the reader has to search for the said naadi and it takes some time also. we should not reveal more information about us or our family, just give a thumb impression (right thumb for men and left for women) Having said that, we should also have deep faith on our traditions, cuture and values and should have respect for Naadi readers and of course for Shri Agastya Rishi jee.

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